Всего выполнено запросов: 12 шт. за 0.0171 сек. Развернуть Закрыть
Ошибка в SQL запросе: SELECT pup.prop_id, pup.type_view, prop.* FROM `mg_product_user_property_data` as pup LEFT JOIN `mg_property` as prop ON pup.prop_id = prop.id LEFT JOIN `mg_category_user_property` as cup ON cup.property_id = prop.id WHERE prop.`type` = 'assortmentCheckBox' AND cup.category_id = '9' AND pup.`prop_id` NOT IN ('0') GROUP BY pup.`prop_id` ORDER BY `sort` DESC;
Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'u1386366_default.pup.type_view' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

/var/www/user637256/data/www/vorotamotor.ru/mg-core/models/product.php (line 994)

/var/www/user637256/data/www/vorotamotor.ru/mg-core/controllers/catalog.php (line 42)

/var/www/user637256/data/www/vorotamotor.ru/mg-core/lib/moguta.php (line 0)

/var/www/user637256/data/www/vorotamotor.ru/mg-core/mg-start.php (line 0)

/var/www/user637256/data/www/vorotamotor.ru/mg-core/index-start.php (line 120)

/var/www/user637256/data/www/vorotamotor.ru/index.php (line 4)